we are the Greenschnackers. We love a good chat about everything that makes our world a little better. There are a lot of great initiatives out there, but we often simply haven’t heard about them. That’s why we blog about sustainability in and around Hamburg. Always down to earth & with a lot of positive vibes.
a good chat between friends with the goal of making the world a little greener
Who are the Greenschnackers?
Alea Sophie
Freelancing online marketing manager who loves houseplants a little too much. Since my boyfriend and I traveled the world in 2018/19, I see the world through different eyes. I blog about my travel experiences on my blog A Highwaygirl.
My hood Bahrenfeld Stuff I care about minimalism, travel with positive impact, sustainable entrepreneurship You’re allowed to wake me up for ice cream & videos of penguins I have a weakness for true crime podcasts
I often contemplate about the background of things and love to discuss my thoughts with others. In the past you could find me at the opera. Now you’ll see me wearing a safety helmet on construction sites. I should spend more time outdoors.
My hood Langenhorn Stuff I care about nature protection, mobility in the city, sufficiency, regionality You can always wake me for a forest walk & italo western I have a weakness for Puccini, fantasy & pathos in general
Outdoor fitness trainer with a background in law. I have a wide range of interests, which I pursue with a lot of enthusiasm and persistence.
My hood Altona-Nord Stuff I care about families, start-ups, sustainable fabrics, cradle to cradle, DYI, sports, networking
You can always wake me for an orc attack I have a weakness for all kinds of games
Family-kind of person who’d love to spend all her free time in the mountains or behind a camera. Nothing is more valuable to me than spending evenings with my favorite people, good food, long talks and so much laughing it makes my belly ache.
My hood Farmsen-Berne Stuff I care about traveling, minimalist, sustainability & Hamburg’s non-profit organizations You can always wake me for I can literally hear the grass grow, so chances are high I’m already awake. I have a weakness for lava cake
Jurist, passionate hobby chef, culturally and socially active, world citizen. What is important to me I share with others.
My hood Winterhude Stuff I care about fairness, human rights, traveling, clean, fair & sustainable food, indulgence You can always wake me for Maultaschen (filled pasta from the southwest of Germany, a bit like ravioli), feeding the cats I have a weakness for champagne
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we are the Greenschnackers. We love a good chat about everything that makes our world a little better. There are a lot of great initiatives out there, but we often simply haven’t heard about them. That’s why we blog about sustainability in and around Hamburg. Always down to earth & with a lot of positive vibes.